What I truly love about fantasy at any level is its ability to invite readers into various cultures, seeped in ethnic and religious symbolism. I love books that introduce me to the pagan rituals of medieval Russia and the godly war of ancient Greece; they invite a new perspective, a new nuance to a tried-and-true […]
[Lisa’s Review]: The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska
Here’s the thing: every once in a while, there’s a book that seemingly has everything you could ever wish for, and has all the promise in the world and yet for whatever reason, you can’t connect to the story and the characters in the way you wanted to or thought you would. And unfortunately, this […]
[Skye’s Review]: The Last True Poets of the Sea by Julia Drake
Friends, saying this book took me by surprise would be an understatement. It’s been a while since I’ve read such a thought-provoking book. This book truly makes you think and feel. The Last True Poets of the Sea centers itself around darker, emotional themes such as grief, loss, pain, confusion, and fear of the unknown. […]
[Rachel’s Review]: The Companion by Kim Taylor Blakemore
I was so excited for this book because it seemed in the same genre of Alias Grace which I absolutely devoured. I loved the unreliable narrator who we as the reader (along with other characters in the book) desperately wanted to believe but left us questioning everything and everyone. Things I Liked: Things I Didn’t: […]