To celebrate the release of Layla, Colleen Hoovers new paranormal romance, we are hosting a Q&A and giveaway! Keep scrolling for interview, book info, and Rafflecopter giveaway! You have written in many different genres and always keep your fans wanting more. For Layla, you are dipping your toes into a paranormal story that has lots […]
[Asis’ Review] Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey
Y’all know a marriage in trouble book will ALWAYS be a book for me. It’s one of my favorite tropes for some reason and I immediately knew I had to read this lol Good thing: this one did not disappoint. I absolutely adored Rosie. I loved how much she grew throughout the book, how her […]
[Lisa’s Review]: Stroke of Luck by Opal Carew
Stroke of Luck was my first Opal Carew read, and I have to say I’m more than a bit disappointed. Usually, I’m totally on board the erotica train, full speed, and everything, but this one didn’t do it for me at all, and here’s why: We enter the story after our female lead, April, found […]
Forever Wild (The Simple Wild #2.5) by K.A. Tucker
MY HEART. It always feels so full after a KA Tucker book, but especially after being in Calla and Jonah’s world, and this little novella was no different. It had me overflowing with so much emotion that it came out of my eyes. (But like, tears of happiness, I promise!) Small spoiler ahead, but fairly […]
[Asis’ Review] ARCHENEMIES by Marissa Meyer
The writing of this author apparently gets an A+ from me every time, but I think everyone already knows that. This story felt a little slower than the first one at times, I felt we had more constant action on Renegades. But on Archenemies, we actually get a lot more of the politics and social […]
[Lisa’s Review]: Half-Blood (Covenant #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I’m currently re-reading this series, and I’m only now getting around to writing this down, but here’s what I remember from the day I stumbled over this series: I remember reading the synopsis for this book, thinking, holy crap, I have to read this right freaking now. Greek mythology, badass female warrior, and romance that […]
[Lisa’s Review:] Wicked (A Wicked Trilogy #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
By now, I seriously feel like a broken record whenever I write a review for one of Jen’s books. They usually begin with some form of “this book is so awesome I can’t even tell you,”; “here we go again,” or “holy awesome.” But honestly, I don’t know what to tell you – her writing […]
[Lisa’s Review:] Storm and Fury (The Harbinger #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
There are not enough words to describe my feelings when my girl Hannah handed me an ARC for this one at 2019’s Apollycon. I spent my days running around the Hyatt Recency in Arlington and my nights reading Storm and Fury as fast as I possibly could. I loved the Dark Elements series and was […]