I’ve read a handful of Kandi Steiner novels, and I love them so much I have reread some, and one has become a top favorite romance comfort read for me (Revelry, SWOON). So when I had the chance to read this New Adult romance I was so excited. There was only one thing that worried […]
[Portia’s Review]: A Million Kisses In Your Lifetime by Monica Murphy
First and foremost, I should inform the audience: THIS IS NOT YA. NOT YOUNG ADULT ON ANY LEVEL. THIS IS 100% NEW ADULT. SEXUALLY EXPLICIT. I have zero idea why or how or who marketed or tagged this as young adult but I am 36 years old and have read hundreds of YA novels, as […]
[Caitlyn’s Review:] Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye
Blood Scion is a dark-as-they-come YA fantasy novel filled with detailed and developed world building and a similarly complex heroine, Sloan. Sloan is 15 years old with magic running through her veins. As a Scion, Sloan is a gifted with magic from the Orisha gods and has the power to call forth fire and flame. […]
[Diane’s Review]: A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft
A Magic Alchemical Fox Hunt? Why Yes, Very Much So! A Far Wilder Magic has undoubtedly been one of my favourite reads of 2022. Allison never ceases to create real, beautifully flawed, relatable characters who make you laugh and cry all in one paragraph. Margaret is an aloof outcast who prefers guns and her dog […]
[Skye’s Review:] Hook, Line, and Sinker by Tessa Bailey (Bellinger Sisters #2)
This book deserves ALL of the stars. I adored this book from start to finish. My only complaint is that the book ended. I could read about Hannah and Fox all day. Their story was everything. It was the most exquisite slow burn, heartfelt, friends-to-lovers story. Tessa Bailey wrote Fox’s character and his struggles so well. […]
[Elizabeth’s Review]: Mr. Wrong Number by Lynn Painter
This book was so much fun to read, and I found myself unable to put it down. When reading the synopsis, I could tell that this book would be fun, witty and full of romance. Olivia—our main character—caught me by surprise. There have been several times when I have read a book with a quirky […]
[Brittany’s Review]: Hook, Line, and Sinker by Tessa Bailey (Bellinger Sisters #2)
If you were like me in the first book, you wanted to know more about Fox. Who he was as a person. Who What he did during his free time. You get what I’m saying. This book follows king crab fisherman Fox Thornton and Hannah Bellinger. You meet these two in the first book and […]
[Skye’s Review:] The One True Me and You by Remi K. England
This book is perfect for fans of Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, fanfic writers, and anyone in a fandom! The One True Me and You shows the best and worst parts of being in a fandom. Being in a fandom allows you to make genuine friendships and connections, but sometimes fandoms can be toxic. Another thing […]