We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This follows Quinn during her last summer before she starts college. She’s working at her family’s wedding planning business when she runs into Tarek. Tarek, her old friend. Tarek, the guy she poured her heart out to in an email a year ago. An email that he never responded to. […]
[Brittany’s Review]: When Stars Collide (Chicago Stars #9) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
After reading Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, I was very excited to read another book by her. Let it be known though, this author has a unique writing style—at least to me. In this book we meet Olivia Shore, a well-known opera singer. Olivia is high-strung and completely focused on her career. Olivia […]
[Rachel’s Review]: My Contrary Mary by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows
I flippin’ love historical fiction. I especially love 16th and 17th-century historical fiction that focuses on Mary, Queen of Scots, Elizabeth I or any of the six wives of Henry VIII and will devour any of it I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, that means that some of the books often feel repetitive because […]
[Shana’s Review]: A Season of Sinister Dreams by Tracy Banghart
I’ll be honest, this review is a difficult one to write because the story jumps right in to important details. Which is great!! I just like my reviews to be spoiler-free, so I’m going to tip toe around pertinent information as much as possible. Wish me luck! OK, I want to start off by saying […]
[Skye’s Review]: Blood like Magic by Liselle Sambury
I was super excited to read this book. Everything about this book seemed right up my alley. This book has witches and the main character faces an impossible task: she has to kill her first love. Sounds great, right? Sadly, I could tell immediately that this book wasn’t for me. The author’s writing style didn’t […]
[Diana’s Review]: Daughter of Sparta (Daughter of Sparta #1) by Claire M. Andrews
“The gods are envious of us. They will never understand the beauty of watching the day pass and knowing that it could perhaps be your last. They will never experience the bitter taste of fear as it floods your senses, or the sometimes bittersweet ache of pain.” I have a weakness for gorgeous covers and […]
[Asis’ Review] We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon
This book was refreshingly cute to read. A light read that, while somewhat predictable, felt so relatable to me it immediately took a very special place in my heart. Both characters were so realistic, they felt like actual teens, and the way mental health was treated in this book, the way it normalized it and […]
[Lisa’s Review]: Grace and Glory (The Harbinger #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I don’t even know where to start with this one: it’s no secret that Jen’s Harbinger series is one of my all-time favorites. Add the knock-you-on-your-ass ending of Rage and Ruin on top of that, and you can imagine my excitement upon receiving this particular ARC a couple of weeks ago. I read the entire […]